FAQ: The Real Thing RPG -Angel Dust & King for a Day
For the most up-to-date information about the status of our project, check our project updates on Backerkit Crowdfunding!

Is Faith No More involved in this project?

Faith No More, through their manager, has been lightly involved in this project. We received approval to use their material and to say that this project is officially supported by the band. They also provided some feedback about the content and tone of the game prior to publication, and will do so again with this new release. That said, they are not gamers… they are just some very generous people who saw an opportunity to make a bunch of fans happy! Keep an eye out for some promotion from their socials, too.

Last updated: July 24, 2023 15:24

What's new from the previous campaign?

A whole lot! We’ve added a few new systems that allow for greater breadth in narrating. You can now tell all sorts of stories and rapidly generate challenges for them. We’ve also added supernatural elements that we believe augment the gritty 1990s feel of the core concept. The new books are each more than 100 pages (likely 128 pages each, like the original), and that is split between those new rules systems and a much expanded and lengthened story that picks up where The Real Thing left off. Also, there is a ton of new art!

Last updated: July 07, 2023 17:02

Why use Powered-by-the-Apocalypse for the system?

The short answer is, “We love the simplicity and flexibility.” The longer answer is that we wanted a system that did not get in the way of the role-playing, specifically what we wanted to do with “ongoing character building.” PbtA allowed us to create a lightweight game that we could leverage our Discovery mechanism in easily and seamlessly. Also, it is open-source, easy to learn, and was created by a creative person who contributes greatly to the indie RPG scene.

Last updated: July 07, 2023 16:58

Why the price increases on some products?

The simple answer is that stuff is just a bit more expensive this time around. Everything from inflation to fires in timber country have caused shortages and price hikes. That said, we have also opted for higher-quality materials for the shirts, specifically. We know that our fans will be happy with the end results!

Last updated: July 24, 2023 15:26

Why manufacture in the USA?

We wanted to have a high degree of quality control. The printer we are using is located just miles from our houses, and we have face-to-face interactions with them throughout the process. With the exception of the dice, everything will be sourced locally. This makes things cost 5 - 10% more, but we believe it is worth it to avoid delays and improve quality.

Last updated: July 24, 2023 15:28

When will pledge surveys be locked?

We intend to lock the pledge surveys on or about January 1st, 2024. They will not be locked before that date. We will send plenty of reminders ahead of time, we promise!

Last updated: September 19, 2023 11:20

When do you expect shipping to take place?

Shipping should begin in late spring, 2024. We’ll keep everyone updated!

Last updated: September 19, 2023 11:20

Shipping Updates
For the most up-to-date information about the status of our project, check our project updates on Backerkit Crowdfunding!
No shipping updates are provided.
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BackerKit is a service that crowdfunded project creators use to keep track of hundreds to tens of thousands of backers—from shipping details, pledge levels, preferences and quantities, whether they have paid or had their card declined, special notes, and everything in between!

The BackerKit software and support team is independent from the campaign’s project team—BackerKit does not handle the actual reward shipping. For more information about the preparation or delivery status of your rewards, please check the project's updates page.

How does BackerKit work?

After the campaign ends, the project creator will send you an email with a unique link to your survey. You can check out a walkthrough of the process here.

I never received my invitation. How do I complete the survey?

The most common reasons for not receiving a survey email is that you may be checking an email inbox different from the email address you used to sign up with Kickstarter, Indiegogo or Tilt Pro account, or it may be caught in your spam filter.

Confirm that the email address you are searching matches the email address tied to your Kickstarter, Indiegogo, or Tilt Pro account. If that doesn’t work, then try checking your spam, junk or promotions folders. You can also search for "backerkit” in your inbox.

To resend the survey to yourself, visit the project page and input the email address associated with your Kickstarter, Indiegogo or Tilt Pro account.

How do I update my shipping address?

BackerKit allows you to update your shipping address until the shipping addresses are locked by the project creator. To update your address, go back to your BackerKit survey by inputting your email here.

When will my order be shipped, charged or locked?

That is handled directly by the project creator. BackerKit functions independently of the project itself, so we do not have control of their physical shipping timeline. If you want to check on the project’s status, we recommend reading over the project's updates page.

I completed the survey, but haven't received my rewards yet. When will they arrive?

As BackerKit does not actually handle any rewards or shipping, the best way to stay updated on the shipping timeline would be to check out the project's updates page.

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